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Thursday, March 26, 2015

journaling supplies

I know I have fallen off the face of the earth, and for that please forgive me! Work and life and my trying to take a step back from the digital world have rendered this blog quite silent. I can't say when I'll be back posting, but I have put up a new and improved Etsy listing of my journal/scrapbooking packs. Each pack is now 50 pieces and I have a bunch of new stuff I added to the stash, so they're guaranteed to be great. Take a look!

1 comment :

  1. Oh, what a relief! I stumbled across this blog back in the summer, and I really love it. I've always loved to write ever since I could hold a pencil and scrawl words across a page, so journaling is something I love to do. So it's natural that I would love this site, and I'm glad to hear from you!


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All words and photographs belong to Journaling Journeys, unless otherwise stated.
Blog design by Marcia.