Friday, September 12, 2014

recent journal: may-june

A small sampling of a summer journal.


  1. Replies
    1. I really love reading your blog! I didn't have the time earlier to leave a decent comment. I've been gone from blogging for the past two years but I've been a long time follower! I've been getting caught up on your blog again and oh man, your journaling technique is gorgeous. It's now on my mental list to go look for some washi tape as well as pick up more paint chips. (I use paint chips as bookmarks but I've never thought to use them in my journal.) Sitting here reading your blog for the last hour has gotten me all excited. :) My journals are mainly writing but I do have somethings inside. Anything that pertains to my day. But the decorative background and stuff that you do? Love it! Thanks for inspiring me! :D

    2. Thank you so much, you are so welcome! I am so glad you have gained some inspiration and that you are enjoying the blog! It's really encouraging to hear from followers and that they are actually finding useful things here. :) Thank you!

  2. In the second picture, are those flower petals? How did you stick them in? Have you ever used Mod Podge in your journals? If so, did it work out okay?

    1. Yes, they are flower petals. I just swirled a glue stick all around on the paper and while it was wet, I put the flower petals on top.

      To answer your question, I have never used Mod Podge. I've heard of it, though. My weapon of choice is the glue stick. They are cheap, easy to use, and very transportable. Look for acid-free ones (or the glue will slowly destroy what you've pasted in). My Dollar Tree has them for (I think) around 5 in a pack for just a buck, and they're acid-free.


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