Monday, August 18, 2014

recent journal: may

Another installment of the recent journal excerpts
These are some pages from my May journal.


  1. These are so cute! I love them. :) I was wondering how you found my blog?

  2. Thanks, Hannah! My mom found it and told me you had one now. :) I'm glad I found it; I've been encouraged by your posts!

  3. This is darling! I love your handwriting, by the way. ;)

    Thank you so much for the kind words that you left in my garden walk. I appreciate it. <3

  4. Thanks for sharing your journal pages! I love to have a peek into other journals and it inspires me to do more than "just write".
    I noticed you changed the layout of your blog a little bit. Now I can't find the page with your recommended blogs anymore. I used that all the time instead of making a bookmark for each of those blogs I liked. Will this page come back?!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sabrina. I'm glad you are enjoying seeing into my journals and they are giving you some inspiration!

      Yes, the links for the recommended blogs have been removed, but if you send me an e-mail (my address is on my contact page), I would be more than happy to send you links of the journal blogs I read and enjoy. :)

  5. Absolutely gorgeous. I love the Chamomile and Lavender tea page. The little tag with the simple word "Pause" caught my eye!


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