Wednesday, August 6, 2014

an award

I have been awarded the Sunshine Award by Jameson over at Lovely Whatsoevers. Thank you, Jameson (and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get around to it!) 

- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
- Nominate a few other bloggers.
- Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.
- Notify the bloggers on their blog. - Put the award button on your blog.

Jameson's questions:

1. Who is your favorite superhero? Why are they your favorite? I don't have a favorite super hero actually. I've never liked superheros; I always thought they were kind of silly, to be honest.
2. What is your favorite TV show?
I don't really watch that much TV, and not enough to have a favorite show.
3. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you want to meet?
I thought about this for a while and I really don't know! Maybe someone who loves cats and journaling as much as I do. :)
4. Do you prefer baking or cooking? What is your favorite thing to cook/bake? I enjoy both, but I like baking a little bit more (you get to the lick the bowl and spoon). I like to bake cookies the best.
5. How would you rather spend the day: picnic at the park or movie marathon? I really can't decide very easily between these I won't!
6. What are the five songs you have listened to most lately? Gymnopedie No. 1 by Erik Satie, Do Life Big by Jamie Grace, Thrive by Switchfoot, We Are Brave by Shawn McDonald, and some random smooth jazz and classical.
7. You’re going on an adventure! Who are you with and where are you going? I am backpacking across Russia with my cat!
8. Do you have a favorite book series? If so, which one? I really enjoy the Ivan series by Myrna Grant. It's about a boy and his family in Moscow in the 1970s. They are believers, so they face many struggles and trials because of their faith. The books are easy, short reads and very interesting.
9. What are three must-haves when you take a road trip? MP3 player, journal, and a pillow.
10. Do you have a favorite Biblical hero/heroine? Who? I like the apostle John best. His Gospel and 1 John are in my top favorite books of Scripture. 

My questions:
1. Have you ever built a sand castle?
2. Do you enjoy classical music?
3. What color is your comforter?
4. Have you ever written a poem?
5. Do you enjoy looking at the stars at night?
6. Have you ever seen a comet?
7. If you had to relocate to a foreign country, which one would you choose?
8. Chocolate or vanilla? 
9. Favorite breed of cat?
10. Do you enjoy snow?

I'm not going to tag anyone in particular; if you are a reader, feel free to snag these questions and the award and post about them. Let me know if you did!

1 comment:

  1. Licking the bowl and spoon is definitely a perk of baking!

    #7 sounds like a fun adventure! Cats make great traveling companions (mine are fans of road trips). :)


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