Tuesday, March 25, 2014

journaling supplies: envelopes

 Envelopes are fantastic tools for journaling.
They're a dime a dozen and as common as stop signs. 
You just need to know where to look.

 I find most of my envelopes at thrift stores. 
Every thrift store usually has a random box or bin filled with paper products like cards, stationery, post cards, envelopes, etc. 
Digging through these boxes often produces many treasures. 
Including envelopes. And they are so cheap.

I found this envelope at Michael's. 
They're mini envelopes that came in a pack 
with other patterns for a couple dollars.

 You can make your own "envelopes" with 
paint chips and washi tape, 
as seen above.

 Use your envelopes to store 
random things you find. 

In this envelope there is an 
airport parking ticket, a penny, and a receipt.

 I made this envelope myself (more on that later) and 
it has some items I picked up on a trail ride 
(a small green paper clip, a receipt, 
and something else I can't remember now.)

 You can also write poems 
on envelopes. 

Or put in things from the day that will make the "story" of it. 
In this envelope I put in paint chips 
and the "quote of the day" 
(a funny saying by one of my brothers.)

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! I always store miscellaneous things such as plane tickets, movie ticket stubs, etc. in a small box--however, this would be much more convenient for me.

    Thanks for sharing this, Shaynie! I always love your journaling ideas. =)



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