Friday, January 31, 2014

journaling supplies: don't throw your garbage away!

For real. Don't throw your junk away. All the random garbage you find in your day to day living makes great journal fodder. 

 Take fruit and vegetable stickers for example. I eat mostly fruits and vegetables, so I run across TONS of these in a day. I usually collect them and stick them in my journal so I can remember what I ate that day years later.

 Coffee sleeves also add some great visual interest to entries. (I always find it very hard to throw away coffee sleeves.)

 Does your little brother constantly write you love notes? Paste them in your journal instead of filing them away in a box.

 Do you drink tea? Save the packaging! Tea packaging is always lovely, and it makes your entries so pretty.

 Do you eat at a certain restaurant or shop at a certain store all the time? Cut and paste the bags. I eat at Chipotle way more often than any normal human would (or should). I paste Chipotle ephemera quite frequently.  

Even junk mail envelopes are great for pasting and writing on.

In fact, I have been known to collect random lists, receipts, tickets, and other whatnot when I'm out running errands. I keep my head down and look for interesting things in parking lots or in stores. 

Do you journal with random stuff you run across?


  1. I love the idea of keeping the starbucks one - i always throw those out - but i think i'll keep them now !!


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